Obedience Club of Chattanooga Logo

Obedience Club of Chattanooga​

Training You to Train Your Dog

Course Registration

We offer Starter Classes, Obedience, Rally, and Agility every session.

IMPORTANT: You must be logged in with an active membership plan to register for classes.

Individual, Household, and Lifetime memberships can register when early registration opens.

Associate and Online student memberships can register when regular registration opens.

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Semester Calendar

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Upcoming Courses

    • 01/13/2025
    • 02/17/2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Front Ring (enter through front door)
    • 1

    Prerequisites: 2-6 month old dogs or permission of instructor

     Instructor:  Demaree Clay 
     Assistants:  Stacey Whited
     Day/Time:  Mondays 6:15-7:45 PM (6 sessions at 90 minutes/session)
    Capacity:  10 handler/dog pairs

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Obedience  Type: Class

    Raising a puppy isn't easy but you are not alone. Join our experts as they take you through socialization, potty training, play-biting, and how to prevent fears and phobias! Each class is action packed with information and activities - and as if that isn't enough, puppy play rounds out your evening creating a tired puppy while you learn to shape fair and appropriate play! Class is 90 minutes and includes handouts and one-on-one assistance, if you need it. We're here to help! Join us for a great learning experience.

    • 01/13/2025
    • 02/17/2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Back Ring (enter through side door)
    • 0

    Prerequisites: Dogs 6+ month old

     Instructor:  Jackie Starr
     Assistants:  Amy Parks
     Day/Time:  Mondays 6:30-7:30 PM (6 sessions at 60 minutes/session)
    Capacity:  8 handler/dog pairs

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Obedience  Type: Class

    This class is for dogs at least 6 months of age. The class will focus on establishing basic behaviors and good training habits for a lifetime of learning, utilizing the separation of the 3Ds (Distraction, Duration and Distance) for learning clarity with a strong emphasis on the “Timing of the Mark” and how treats are used within established science for maximum efficacy. This is an excellent class to continue your leadership skill development.

    Beginner is an ideal class for preparing to obtain your CGC. Exercises include: Attention Focus, refining Loose Leash Walking (and getting ready for the next step of leash walking), Sit at the front and at the side, Down at the front and side, Stay, Leave It (food and objects), Wait, Handling / Sit for Exam, Stand, plus games to create a solid foundation for Come.

    S.T.A.R. graduates will find that this class builds upon their excellent skills and yet challenging and informative.

    **If your dog has not completed the STAR Curriculum, please consider taking S.T.A.R. (if age appropriate).**

    • 01/13/2025
    • 02/17/2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Back Ring (enter through side door)
    • 9

    Prerequisites: Dogs 7+ month old, Successful completion of OBC100 Beginner Obedience

     Instructor:  Jackie Starr
     Assistants:  Dawn Pape
     Day/Time:  Mondays 8:00-9:00 PM (6 sessions at 60 minutes/session)
    Capacity:  10 handler/dog pairs

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Obedience  Type: Class

    This class bridges the gap between obedience training and the skills necessary to live companionably with your canine as a family member. Beyond Beginner helps dog owners learn to apply Obedience concepts in real life. Beyond Beginner will include: Crate Games, Doorbell Manners, Environmental Cues, Beyond Wait skills, Preventing Resource Guarding, preparing for real life handling situations, Teaching a “Go to Bed” (or Place) command, using Attention Focus as a coping skill, training off limits areas in your home (like Utility rooms), managing a multiple dog household and so much more! This class will incorporate games for your dog to help master some skills and the class will also be information heavy. Be prepared to take notes.

    Beyond Beginner may be taken at the same time as Intermediate as both classes build upon Beginner skills.

    Equipment Needed: Leash, a Beginner trained dog, dog bowl, selection of high quality treats

    • 01/13/2025
    • 02/17/2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Back Ring (enter through side door)
    • 3

    Prerequisites: Dogs 12+ months old, Successful completion of OBC300 Advanced Obedience

     Instructor:  Demaree Clay
     Day/Time:  Mondays 8:00-9:00 PM (6 sessions at 60 minutes/session)
    Capacity:  10 handler/dog pairs

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Obedience  Type: Class

    Dueling Rings.  Distractions including food, song and dance.  Things that are both reasonable and unreasonable will happen to help the aspiring ring-master to overcome and over-train.  If you are thinking about trialing live, this class will help you create a bomb-proof dog.  (No dogs will be worked over threshold nor to failure and all dogs will work at their own level.)  If you are not interested in trialing live, this could also be a wonderful exercise in dealing with distractions.

    • 01/14/2025
    • 02/18/2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Back Ring (enter through side door)
    • 1

    Prerequisites: Dogs 6+ month old

     Instructor:  Demaree Clay
     Assistants:  Stephanie Prahl
     Day/Time:  Tuesdays 5:00-6:00 PM (6 sessions at 60 minutes/session)
    Capacity:  8 handler/dog pairs

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Obedience  Type: Class

    This class is for dogs at least 6 months of age. The class will focus on establishing basic behaviors and good training habits for a lifetime of learning, utilizing the separation of the 3Ds (Distraction, Duration and Distance) for learning clarity with a strong emphasis on the “Timing of the Mark” and how treats are used within established science for maximum efficacy. This is an excellent class to continue your leadership skill development.

    Beginner is an ideal class for preparing to obtain your CGC. Exercises include: Attention Focus, refining Loose Leash Walking (and getting ready for the next step of leash walking), Sit at the front and at the side, Down at the front and side, Stay, Leave It (food and objects), Wait, Handling / Sit for Exam, Stand, plus games to create a solid foundation for Come.

    S.T.A.R. graduates will find that this class builds upon their excellent skills and yet challenging and informative.

    **If your dog has not completed the STAR Curriculum, please consider taking S.T.A.R. (if age appropriate).**

    • 01/14/2025
    • 02/18/2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Back Ring (enter through side door)
    • 5

    Prerequisites: Dogs 10+ months old, Successful completion of OBC200 Intermediate Obedience

     Instructor:  Demaree Clay
     Day/Time:  Tuesdays 6:15-7:15 PM (6 sessions at 60 minutes/session)
    Capacity:  10 handler/dog pairs

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Obedience  Type: Class

    If you have taken Beginner Obedience and Intermediate, join this challenging and informative class to hone your skills and prepare you for the next level. We will play Beginner Obedience games, practice perfect CGC greetings, create flawless figure 8’s and lay a strong foundation for going off-leash with your obedience! We will go through Attention Focus in the Heel as a tool, Independent Down Stays (with duration), Stand for Exam, Wait-in-Motion, Sit-in-Motion, Down-in-Motion, and left and right side finish.

    This class focuses on trouble-shooting the Beginner Obedience performance as well as task-analysis to focus on repairing incomplete commands and removing inadvertent body language and leash cues that are dragging your performance down. Designed as a team-building class, all members are invited to step up their game!

    • 01/14/2025
    • 02/18/2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Front Ring (enter through front door)
    • 8

    Prerequisites: Dogs 7+ months old, Successful completion of OBC100 Beginner Obedience

     Instructor:  Magan Mabe
     Assistants:  Abigail Baker
     Day/Time:  Tuesdays 6:15-7:15 PM (6 sessions at 60 minutes/session)
    Capacity:  10 handler/dog pairs

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Obedience  Type: Class

    This course will continue building on the foundation of OCC’s Beginner class moving towards randomizing reward structure and differentiating between bribery vs rewards. Initial focus will be on transitioning perfect loose leash walking into the more formal Heel with the automatic Sit, emphasizing Halts and pace changes as well as directional turns. Integrating the process of helping your dog learn to generalize and hold longer commands, we will work on Attention Focus duration, Sit Stay durations, Down Stay durations, and the Stand (without Handler support) and work towards Handling in the Stand-Stay.

    Included are the Intro into a Figure-8 exercise, perfecting the Finish, Long Line Recalls, the Greeting Exercise Game and other Learning Challenges for a fun learning experience. Heavy emphasis on preparing for the CGC-Exam, but challenging enough for the dog that has already earned his/her CGC!

    • 01/14/2025
    • 02/25/2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Back Ring (enter through side door)
    • 3

    Prerequisites: Dogs 12+ months old, Successful completion of OBC201 Beyond Intermediate Obedience, AND Instructor approval

     Instructor:  Demaree Clay
     Assistants:  Renee Blanco
     Day/Time:  Tuesdays 7:30-9:00 PM (6 sessions at 90 minutes/session)
    Capacity:  4 handler/dog pairs

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Obedience  Type: Class

    For those ready to title their dogs for Beginner Novice (BN-V) or Novice (CD-V), this class will pace you through the steps including how to set up an obedience trial map and strategies for successful submissions. We will begin recording in Week One. Bring your phone or other device to record your own runs. Copies of the AKC Obedience Maps and Virtual Trial Regulations will be provided.

    Students will be permitted to repeat this class at regular cost as long as necessary to title if they continue to meet class requirements. This class does have a waiting list so Instructor approval is required to make sure that those that have been on the waiting list are enrolled first. Waiting list handler teams should remain enrolled in Super Advanced until they are accepted into this class to maintain their dog's readiness for trial.

    Bring your sense of humor and good sportsmanship attitude because the Virtual Trialers are a supportive team that wants to enjoy the virtual trialing experience!

    • 01/14/2025
    • 02/25/2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Front Ring (enter through front door)
    • 9

    Prerequisites: Dogs 12+ months old, Successful completion of OBC300 Advanced Obedience, Passed OBT110 Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test

     Instructor:  Renee Blanco
     Assistants:  Demaree Clay
     Day/Time:  Tuesdays 7:30-9:00 PM (6 sessions at 90 minutes/session)
    Capacity:  10 handler/dog pairs

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Obedience  Type: Class

    This course is designed with the Obedience Competitor in mind and will focus primarily on preparation for Companion Dog Trials. All candidates will be working primarily off-leash and must have off-leash concepts mastered. The class will set up and practice specifically for trials covering, registration, treat reduction and all concepts necessary to create well-mannered competitors. Weekly class goals will depend on the skill of the student competitors and may vary from class to class.

    SKILLS REQUIRED: Super Advanced candidates must be able to demonstrate positive control of their dogs with and without the leash. The handler must be able to hold the dog’s Attention Focus for 3 minutes in the presence of distractions with the minimal use of treats; 3 minute SIT STAY away from the dog; 3 minute DOWN STAY without the presence of the handler; must be able to demonstrate a proper return and a RECALL off-leash without a long line. Strong Leave It and Wait are a must, as are STAND, FINISH, FIGURE-8 and HEEL (in an off-leash environment).

    Candidates who are still mastering off-leash concepts but who demonstrate good skills in ADVANCED are welcome as long as their dog does not pose a significant risk to the dogs that are already completely off-leash. Training Tabs may be utilized. Long Lines may be used. Please bring your own.

    Dogs at this level should already possess the Canine Good Citizen Urban award.

    • 01/15/2025
    • 02/19/2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Front Ring (enter through front door)
    • 2

    Prerequisites: 5-12 month old dogs or permission of instructor

     Instructor:  Julia Gregory
     Assistants:  Diana Thompson
     Day/Time:  Wednesdays 6:00-7:00 PM (6 sessions at 60 minutes/session)
    Capacity:  10 handler/dog pairs

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Obedience  Type: Class

    This class is for puppies 5 months to 1 year. It is designed to get new puppy owners and their puppies off to a great start by socializing your puppy with other puppies, by training you how to best communicate with your puppy, by teaching you about the amount of exercise and activity your puppy needs, and by teaching you how to be a responsible puppy owner.
    • 01/15/2025
    • 02/19/2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Back Ring (enter through side door)
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Prerequisites: Dogs 8+ month old, Successful completion of AGC100 Agility 1 Foundations: Part A

     Instructor:  Kristen Childs
     Assistants:  Kitty Quinn
     Day/Time:  Wednesdays 6:15-7:15 PM (6 sessions at 60 minutes/session)
    Capacity:  6 handler/dog pairs

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Agility  Type: Class

    Part 2 of a 2-part class. This indoor class will build on the skills learned in AGC 100 Agility 1 Foundations: Part A in teaching dog-handler teams foundational agility skills and safety. The curriculum is based on shaping behaviors through the use of positive reinforcement. Activities include start line stay, body awareness and flexibility, impulse control, introduction to contact end behavior, targeting/nose touch, directions, and handling “on the flat.” Dogs will continue to interact with equipment such as wobble board, tunnel, table, 2x2 weaves, and wing jumps (bars will be on the ground for puppies or very low for adult dogs). Dog-handler teams will begin sequencing with multiple obstacles.

    Dogs must be fitted with a flat buckle collar and a six-foot leash. No choke, pinch, gentle leaders or corrective harnesses will be allowed. Owners need to bring lots of small, soft treats and A CRATE.

    • 01/15/2025
    • 02/19/2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Front Ring (enter through front door)
    • 9

    Prerequisites: Dogs 12+ month old, Successful completion of OBC100 Beginner Obedience

     Instructor:  Julia Gregory
     Day/Time:  Wednesdays 7:15-9:15 PM (6 sessions at 120 minutes/session)
    Capacity:  10 handler/dog pairs

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Enrichment  Type: Class

    This beginner class starts the foundation of teamwork between handler and dog! Dogs should have basic obedience skills such as heel, stay, come, sit and down. Skills need not be advanced as we are just building beginner foundations.

    We spend time on the techniques of training movement, but just as important, we teach the concepts that help you to create a movement piece while handling your dog in a way that enhances every motion. The objective of Freestyle Dogwork is to show the dog/handler team's working relationship, share the joy of training and present the dog to his/her best advantage. In six 2-hour long classes we'll achieve this by learning to recognize the most beautiful of our dogs' attributes and by learning to blend those into a logical movement piece, accompanied with music, that is a pleasure for spectators to watch.

    • 01/15/2025
    • 02/19/2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Back Ring (enter through side door)
    • 5

    Prerequisites: Dogs 12+ month old, Successful completion of RLC200 Rally Novice Obedience

     Instructor:  Genn Singleton
     Day/Time:  Wednesdays 7:30-8:30 PM (6 sessions at 60 minutes/session)
    Capacity:  8 handler/dog pairs

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Rally  Type: Class

    AKC Rally is a sport in which the dog and handler complete a course that has been designed by the rally judge. The judge tells the handler to begin, and the dog and handler proceed at a brisk pace through a course of designated stations (10 – 20, depending on the level). Each station has a sign providing instructions regarding the next skill that is to be performed. The dog and handler move continuously at a brisk but normal pace with the dog under control at the handler’s left side. AKC Rally trials demonstrate the dog has fun trained to behave in the home, in the presence of other dogs, in public at all times. The 3 upper Rally classes are Advanced, Excellent and Master. These 3 classes are performed off leash.

    • 01/16/2025
    • 02/20/2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Agility Field
    • 2

    Prerequisites: Dogs 12+ month old, Successful completion of AGC300 Agility 3 Intermediate: Part A

    Note: This class is outdoors on the agility field. In the event of inclement weather, class sessions will be rescheduled.

     Instructor:  Paula Lynch
     Assistants:  Sarah Vansandt
     Day/Time:  Thursdays 6:30-7:30 PM (6 sessions at 60 minutes/session)
    Capacity:  5 handler/dog pairs

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Agility  Type: Class

    Part 2 of a 2-part class. Sequences, handling skills and course work will be a major portion of this class. Emphasis will be on honing basic handling skills: front cross, rear cross, and blind cross. Higher level skills will be introduced such as: backsides, threadles, serpentines, 270's, pinwheels, boxes, and discriminations. Specific issues will be addressed as needed: lack of focus, start line woes, weave woes, contact performance, building drive, etc. Expect to work short sequences (rather than full courses). Course analysis will be introduced (what is the best strategy for handling the most common challenges). Teams should be weaving 6 poles and have contact criteria established and reasonably consistent. Students should expect to repeat this class.

    • 01/16/2025
    • 02/20/2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Back Ring (enter through side door)
    • 5

    Prerequisites: Dogs 12+ months old, Successful completion of OBC201 Beyond Intermediate Obedience

     Instructor:  Jackie Starr
     Day/Time:  Thursdays 7:30-8:30 PM (6 sessions at 60 minutes/session)
    Capacity:  10 handler/dog pairs

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Obedience  Type: Class

    This course is the continuation of the Obedience relationship with the addition of advanced concepts of established commands including: long-line assisted Sit- and Down-Stays with distance, long distance Attention Focus, Heel-free with automatic Sit, off-leash Figure-8s, working in crowds for a tighter Heel, off-leash Stand for Exam, Rock Solid recalls with a formal approach and working up to Sit- and Down-Stays with the Handlers leaving the ring.

    This class takes it to the edge using the simple scientific concepts introduced in the Beginner and Intermediate(s) classes. Are you ready?

    • 01/19/2025
    • 02/23/2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Back Ring (enter through side door)
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Prerequisites: Dogs 6+ month old

     Instructor:  Genn Singleton
     Assistants:  Laura Ellis
     Day/Time:  Sundays 1:30-2:30 PM (6 sessions at 60 minutes/session)
    Capacity:  8 handler/dog pairs

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Obedience  Type: Class

    This class is for dogs at least 6 months of age. The class will focus on establishing basic behaviors and good training habits for a lifetime of learning, utilizing the separation of the 3Ds (Distraction, Duration and Distance) for learning clarity with a strong emphasis on the “Timing of the Mark” and how treats are used within established science for maximum efficacy. This is an excellent class to continue your leadership skill development.

    Beginner is an ideal class for preparing to obtain your CGC. Exercises include: Attention Focus, refining Loose Leash Walking (and getting ready for the next step of leash walking), Sit at the front and at the side, Down at the front and side, Stay, Leave It (food and objects), Wait, Handling / Sit for Exam, Stand, plus games to create a solid foundation for Come.

    S.T.A.R. graduates will find that this class builds upon their excellent skills and yet challenging and informative.

    **If your dog has not completed the STAR Curriculum, please consider taking S.T.A.R. (if age appropriate).**

    • 01/19/2025
    • 02/23/2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Back Ring (enter through side door)
    • 0

    Prerequisites: Dogs 6+ month old, Successful completion of RLC100 Rally Foundations: Part A

     Instructor:  Genn Singleton
     Day/Time:  Sundays 3:00-4:00 PM (6 sessions at 60 minutes/session)
    Capacity:  10 handler/dog pairs

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Rally  Type: Class

    This class is designed for the individual looking for a new way to have fun with their dog, as well as an introduction to the handler/dog team considering competing in Rally Obedience in the future. This class will focus on teaching the foundational skills needed to do the signs on a Rally Course and provide a steppingstone for Rally Obedience Novice. All work will be performed on leash, so please arrive with fitted flat buckle collar and 4-6 ft. leash. Owners, please bring plenty of small, soft treats for use in class. Let's Get Ready to Rally!

    • 01/19/2025
    • 02/23/2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Front Ring (enter through front door)
    • 5

    Prerequisites: Dogs 7+ months old, Successful completion of OBC100 Beginner Obedience

     Instructor:  Magan Mabe
     Assistants:  Dee Heartfield
     Day/Time:  Sundays 3:15-4:15 PM (6 sessions at 60 minutes/session)
    Capacity:  10 handler/dog pairs

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Obedience  Type: Class

    This course will continue building on the foundation of OCC’s Beginner class moving towards randomizing reward structure and differentiating between bribery vs rewards. Initial focus will be on transitioning perfect loose leash walking into the more formal Heel with the automatic Sit, emphasizing Halts and pace changes as well as directional turns. Integrating the process of helping your dog learn to generalize and hold longer commands, we will work on Attention Focus duration, Sit Stay durations, Down Stay durations, and the Stand (without Handler support) and work towards Handling in the Stand-Stay.

    Included are the Intro into a Figure-8 exercise, perfecting the Finish, Long Line Recalls, the Greeting Exercise Game and other Learning Challenges for a fun learning experience. Heavy emphasis on preparing for the CGC-Exam, but challenging enough for the dog that has already earned his/her CGC!

    • 01/19/2025
    • 02/23/2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Agility Field
    • 2

    Prerequisites: Dogs 8+ month old, Successful completion of AGC101 Agility 1 Foundations: Part B

    Note: This class is outdoors on the agility field. In the event of inclement weather, class sessions will be rescheduled.

     Instructor:  Anna Lane
     Day/Time:  Sundays 4:00-5:00 PM (6 sessions at 60 minutes/session)
    Capacity:  5 handler/dog pairs

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Agility  Type: Class

    This class will continue to build on the skills learned in Agility Foundations. Along with proofing targeting, contact and flat work skills, the teams will begin short sequences and handling drills. While some work will be on lead, most of the course work will be off lead. Dogs must be fitted with a flat buckle collar and a six-foot leash. No choke, pinch, gentle leaders or corrective harnesses will be allowed. Please bring lots of soft treats, water, and A CRATE. Dog-handler teams should expect to repeat Agility 2 Beginner. Dogs should do teeter and navigate 6 weave poles before moving up to Agility 3.

    • 01/19/2025
    • 02/23/2025
    • 6 sessions
    • Agility Field
    • 1

    Prerequisites: Dogs 8+ month old, Successful completion of AGC101 Agility 1 Foundations: Part B

    Note: This class is outdoors on the agility field. In the event of inclement weather, class sessions will be rescheduled.

     Instructor:  Anna Lane
     Day/Time:  Sundays 5:15-6:15 PM (6 sessions at 60 minutes/session)
    Capacity:  5 handler/dog pairs

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Agility  Type: Class

    This class will continue to build on the skills learned in Agility Foundations. Along with proofing targeting, contact and flat work skills, the teams will begin short sequences and handling drills. While some work will be on lead, most of the course work will be off lead. Dogs must be fitted with a flat buckle collar and a six-foot leash. No choke, pinch, gentle leaders or corrective harnesses will be allowed. Please bring lots of soft treats, water, and A CRATE. Dog-handler teams should expect to repeat Agility 2 Beginner. Dogs should do teeter and navigate 6 weave poles before moving up to Agility 3.

    • 01/27/2025
    • 02/10/2025
    • 3 sessions
    • Front Ring (enter through front door)
    • 10

    Prerequisites: 1+ year old dogs and instructor invitation

     Instructor:  Demaree Clay 
     Assistants:  Stacey Whited
     Day/Time:  Mondays 6:15-7:45 PM (3 sessions at 90 minutes/session)
    Capacity:  10 handler/dog pairs

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Obedience  Type: Class

    This class is by Instructor invite only for weeks 3, 4, and 5 of Puppy Preschool. It is for dogs 1 yr old and over who are having issues with shyness. It is part of the Puppy Preschool learning curriculum and we are offering it to older dogs who may need some reassurance and stress relief guidance. Instructors will provide a registration key to register.
    • 02/11/2025
    • 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Back Ring (enter through side door)

    Prerequisites: Dogs 12+ months old, Successful completion of OBC210 Obedience Virtual Trialing, AND Instructor approval

     Instructor:  Demaree Clay
     Assistants:  Renee Blanco
     Day/Time:  Tuesday 2/11/25 7:30-9:00 PM (90 minutes)
    Capacity:  at the discretion of the instructor

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Obedience  Type: Workshop

    This workshop runs concurrently with OBC210 Obedience Virtual Trialing and gives the OBC210 graduate the opportunity to continue to work their dog on a per session basis. Instructor approval is required to make sure that those that have been on the waiting list are enrolled first.

    For those ready to title their dogs for Beginner Novice (BN-V) or Novice (CD-V) and with to continue learning how to set up an obedience trial map and strategies for successful submissions. Bring your phone or other device to record your own runs.  Copies of the AKC Obedience Maps and Virtual Trial Regulations will be provided.   

    Bring your sense of humor and good sportsmanship attitude because the Virtual Trialers are a supportive team that wants to enjoy the virtual trialing experience!

    • 02/16/2025
    • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
    • Front Ring (enter through front door)
    • 8

    Prerequisites: 6+ month old dogs, invitation by instructor only

     Instructor:  Julia Gregory 
    Capacity:  8 handler/dog pairs

    Track: Enrichment  Type: Workshop

    The objective of Freestyle Dogwork is to show the dog/handler team's working relationship, share the joy of training and present the dog to his/her best advantage. In this 2-hour long workshop we'll achieve this by learning to recognize the most beautiful of our dogs' attributes and by learning to blend those into a logical movement piece, accompanied with music, that is a pleasure for spectators to watch. We spend time on the techniques of training movement, but just as important, we teach the concepts that help you to create a movement piece while handling your dog in a way that enhances every motion. This workshop builds teamwork like no other! Dogs should have basic obedience skills such as heel, stay, come, sit and down. Skills need not be advanced. The best work will be done off-lead, but dogs can stay on lead if necessary.
    • 02/18/2025
    • 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Back Ring (enter through side door)

    Prerequisites: Dogs 12+ months old, Successful completion of OBC210 Obedience Virtual Trialing, AND Instructor approval

     Instructor:  Demaree Clay
     Assistants:  Renee Blanco
     Day/Time:  Tuesday 2/18/25 7:30-9:00 PM (90 minutes)
    Capacity:  at the discretion of the instructor

     Semester: 2025-S1 Track: Obedience  Type: Workshop

    This workshop runs concurrently with OBC210 Obedience Virtual Trialing and gives the OBC210 graduate the opportunity to continue to work their dog on a per session basis. Instructor approval is required to make sure that those that have been on the waiting list are enrolled first.

    For those ready to title their dogs for Beginner Novice (BN-V) or Novice (CD-V) and with to continue learning how to set up an obedience trial map and strategies for successful submissions. Bring your phone or other device to record your own runs.  Copies of the AKC Obedience Maps and Virtual Trial Regulations will be provided.   

    Bring your sense of humor and good sportsmanship attitude because the Virtual Trialers are a supportive team that wants to enjoy the virtual trialing experience!

    • 02/23/2025
    • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
    • Front Ring (enter through front door)
    • 8

    Prerequisites: 6+ month old dogs, invitation by instructor only

     Instructor:  Julia Gregory 
    Capacity:  8 handler/dog pairs

    Track: Enrichment  Type: Workshop

    The objective of Freestyle Dogwork is to show the dog/handler team's working relationship, share the joy of training and present the dog to his/her best advantage. In this 2-hour long workshop we'll achieve this by learning to recognize the most beautiful of our dogs' attributes and by learning to blend those into a logical movement piece, accompanied with music, that is a pleasure for spectators to watch. We spend time on the techniques of training movement, but just as important, we teach the concepts that help you to create a movement piece while handling your dog in a way that enhances every motion. This workshop builds teamwork like no other! Dogs should have basic obedience skills such as heel, stay, come, sit and down. Skills need not be advanced. The best work will be done off-lead, but dogs can stay on lead if necessary.
    • 03/02/2025
    • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
    • Front Ring (enter through front door)
    • 8

    Prerequisites: 6+ month old dogs, invitation by instructor only

     Instructor:  Julia Gregory 
    Capacity:  8 handler/dog pairs

    Track: Enrichment  Type: Workshop

    The objective of Freestyle Dogwork is to show the dog/handler team's working relationship, share the joy of training and present the dog to his/her best advantage. In this 2-hour long workshop we'll achieve this by learning to recognize the most beautiful of our dogs' attributes and by learning to blend those into a logical movement piece, accompanied with music, that is a pleasure for spectators to watch. We spend time on the techniques of training movement, but just as important, we teach the concepts that help you to create a movement piece while handling your dog in a way that enhances every motion. This workshop builds teamwork like no other! Dogs should have basic obedience skills such as heel, stay, come, sit and down. Skills need not be advanced. The best work will be done off-lead, but dogs can stay on lead if necessary.
    • 03/30/2025
    • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
    • Front Ring (enter through front door)
    • 8

    Prerequisites: 6+ month old dogs, invitation by instructor only

     Instructor:  Julia Gregory 
    Capacity:  8 handler/dog pairs

    Track: Enrichment  Type: Workshop

    The objective of Freestyle Dogwork is to show the dog/handler team's working relationship, share the joy of training and present the dog to his/her best advantage. In this 2-hour long workshop we'll achieve this by learning to recognize the most beautiful of our dogs' attributes and by learning to blend those into a logical movement piece, accompanied with music, that is a pleasure for spectators to watch. We spend time on the techniques of training movement, but just as important, we teach the concepts that help you to create a movement piece while handling your dog in a way that enhances every motion. This workshop builds teamwork like no other! Dogs should have basic obedience skills such as heel, stay, come, sit and down. Skills need not be advanced. The best work will be done off-lead, but dogs can stay on lead if necessary.
    • 04/13/2025
    • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
    • Front Ring (enter through front door)
    • 8

    Prerequisites: 6+ month old dogs, invitation by instructor only

     Instructor:  Julia Gregory 
    Capacity:  8 handler/dog pairs

    Track: Enrichment  Type: Workshop

    The objective of Freestyle Dogwork is to show the dog/handler team's working relationship, share the joy of training and present the dog to his/her best advantage. In this 2-hour long workshop we'll achieve this by learning to recognize the most beautiful of our dogs' attributes and by learning to blend those into a logical movement piece, accompanied with music, that is a pleasure for spectators to watch. We spend time on the techniques of training movement, but just as important, we teach the concepts that help you to create a movement piece while handling your dog in a way that enhances every motion. This workshop builds teamwork like no other! Dogs should have basic obedience skills such as heel, stay, come, sit and down. Skills need not be advanced. The best work will be done off-lead, but dogs can stay on lead if necessary.
    • 04/27/2025
    • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
    • Front Ring (enter through front door)
    • 8

    Prerequisites: 6+ month old dogs, invitation by instructor only

     Instructor:  Julia Gregory 
    Capacity:  8 handler/dog pairs

    Track: Enrichment  Type: Workshop

    The objective of Freestyle Dogwork is to show the dog/handler team's working relationship, share the joy of training and present the dog to his/her best advantage. In this 2-hour long workshop we'll achieve this by learning to recognize the most beautiful of our dogs' attributes and by learning to blend those into a logical movement piece, accompanied with music, that is a pleasure for spectators to watch. We spend time on the techniques of training movement, but just as important, we teach the concepts that help you to create a movement piece while handling your dog in a way that enhances every motion. This workshop builds teamwork like no other! Dogs should have basic obedience skills such as heel, stay, come, sit and down. Skills need not be advanced. The best work will be done off-lead, but dogs can stay on lead if necessary.
    • 05/11/2025
    • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
    • Front Ring (enter through front door)
    • 8

    Prerequisites: 6+ month old dogs, invitation by instructor only

     Instructor:  Julia Gregory 
    Capacity:  8 handler/dog pairs

    Track: Enrichment  Type: Workshop

    The objective of Freestyle Dogwork is to show the dog/handler team's working relationship, share the joy of training and present the dog to his/her best advantage. In this 2-hour long workshop we'll achieve this by learning to recognize the most beautiful of our dogs' attributes and by learning to blend those into a logical movement piece, accompanied with music, that is a pleasure for spectators to watch. We spend time on the techniques of training movement, but just as important, we teach the concepts that help you to create a movement piece while handling your dog in a way that enhances every motion. This workshop builds teamwork like no other! Dogs should have basic obedience skills such as heel, stay, come, sit and down. Skills need not be advanced. The best work will be done off-lead, but dogs can stay on lead if necessary.
    • 05/25/2025
    • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
    • Front Ring (enter through front door)
    • 8

    Prerequisites: 6+ month old dogs, invitation by instructor only

     Instructor:  Julia Gregory 
    Capacity:  8 handler/dog pairs

    Track: Enrichment  Type: Workshop

    The objective of Freestyle Dogwork is to show the dog/handler team's working relationship, share the joy of training and present the dog to his/her best advantage. In this 2-hour long workshop we'll achieve this by learning to recognize the most beautiful of our dogs' attributes and by learning to blend those into a logical movement piece, accompanied with music, that is a pleasure for spectators to watch. We spend time on the techniques of training movement, but just as important, we teach the concepts that help you to create a movement piece while handling your dog in a way that enhances every motion. This workshop builds teamwork like no other! Dogs should have basic obedience skills such as heel, stay, come, sit and down. Skills need not be advanced. The best work will be done off-lead, but dogs can stay on lead if necessary.

Obedience Club of Chattanooga
244 Lake City Drive, Flintstone, GA 30725
Telephone | (423) 463-0288
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